
News That is not Newsworthy

How much time do we spend on social media? Is what we watch or read really newsworthy? There is always interesting and entertaining media that is socially redeeming. But are we spending most of our time with trivia or with worthwhile information?

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The Cause of Strife

What do human beings strive about? Answer! Anything and everything. What is the cause of strife? Examples in God’s Word gives us the answers. Proverbs focuses on the subject of strife. The end result we must have is wisdom with understanding. And that answer is in James 3.

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What is the Spirit of God for?

The list is long. Three important areas stand out concerning what God’s Spirit does. Christ’s Spirit in us is a blessing because we are turned away from sin. Through the Spirit of Christ, Christ lives in us and we know the way, the truth and life....

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You Have Need of Endurance

Taken from Heb 10:36 we take a look at the meaning of the Greek word translated as endurance (it means more than just endurance as we think of it). We look at how to build up endurance and consider several factors that could inhibit it.  

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Mothers, Wives, Women

God created Eve to be a help to Adam. The world doesn’t have a right view of women’s place in the home, in the world or in the future. What can we learn from God’s Word about why He created women and how He...

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Press On

Five lessons on dealing with life’s struggles and pursuits.  Lessons are extracted from book by Chuck Yeager entitled “Press On.”  He was first pilot to break the sound barrier.

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Our Only Guarantee for Salvation

What must we do to inherit eternal life?  That was the question asked of Christ in Matthew 19. Biblical accounts reveal that Publicans and Pharisees surely thought their actions and attitudes would insure their inheritance. However they were criticized by Christ. There is just one guarantee for salvation and a...

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After Christ Ascended; Then What

Christ taught His disciples those things pertaining to the Kingdom of God for 40 days before ascending to heaven. Then what? Christ was given all authority in heaven and earth, became the Head of the Church and inspired the mystery of the ages to be revealed. What was that mystery?

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The Destructiveness of Sin

I used volcanic activity, specifically Mt. Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii as a comparison to Malachi 4:3 and the result of sin that is not repented of.  Passed around a small bottle of ashes from Mt. St. Helens and its eruption in 1980.

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Perfectly Unleavened

The Kingdom of God will be totally unleavened ruling over a leavened world.  The world we live in today is fully leavened world. To be totally leavened we must be like God and be kind, compassionate and easily forgive the sinner while hating the sin.

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